Sunday 24 September 2017

Succulents From Seed - General Instructions

Growing General Succulents from Seed

This set of instructions covers all of the succulent plants for which I do not provide a specific set of instructions. This is because, in general, they all require the same handling.

Sow the seeds on the surface of a mix made up of 1 part potting compost and 1 part coarse sand. Press any larger seeds into the surface, so as to assist the take up of water to trigger germination. The surface may have a light sprinkling of coarse grit or vermiculite so as to give the emergent seedlings some purchase (although I tend to do this after germination, so as to anchor the seedlings).

Water once, adding a fungicide to the water as a precaution (copper based or Chinosol) and then seal in a plastic bag. Do not exclude light. Place somewhere warm (25 – 30 Deg C), a propagator is ideal.

Germination given ideal conditions as listed above should take 5 – 28 days, perhaps a little longer, it will depend on type. Those potentially taking longer are picked out in red in the list at the foot of these instructions.

Once they have germinated open the bag to admit some fresh air and then seal it again. Grow on for a few days in bright (not full sunlight) conditions. Fast growing seedlings should be potted on quickly to avoid any growth check. The slower growing ones may stay in this pot for up to a year. Pot on into a gritty mixture whatever the type and water carefully at all times.


  1. I have got Paulownia seed from you, is there any tips you can give me , I have greenhouse ( not heated), also a polytunnel. Thanks Ruth Carr

  2. Hi. Do you have sowing details after soaking for the spotted Calla Lily please. Charlotte

  3. Try this link in the blog
    This is where the instructions for growing seeds of bulbs is kept.

  4. I have started growing cacti from seed and have read varying suggestions as to how long seedling should be left before pricking out. Some say leave covered for up to three months and others say prick out as soon as they emerge. I would appreciate your advice. Thank you

    1. Leave them in the seedling pot till they touch before moving on

  5. Bought some seeds from you on eBay. It would have been handy to have had these instructions sent with the seeds. It's only after I planted the seeds I noticed your name and googled it out of interest.

    1. There are at least 2 places on the invoices that point you here.
