Wednesday, 3 June 2020

How To Use This Blog

Tagging and Searching

This blog should be correctly tagged with the latin names of all of the species we sell online, HOWEVER, should a search not return a post or even several posts, then you will require the generic instructions which can be found here:

 Instruction Basics

Note that the instructions specify times for the seeds to germinate.  These times are the minimum provided all of the cultural conditions have been met.  If seeds are too wet, too cold, too dry, too hot, sown too deep, not prepared (should the instructions call for that) then success is not guaranteed.  Seeds are living things, they require a set of conditions in order to perform as expected, some are forgiving, some, unfortunately, are not.  Work with nature, not against it, be mindful of the time of year, especially with short duration plants.  If now is not the right time, wait, we only sell orthodox seeds which gives them a shelf life that at the very least extends into the next season, so you may be best off waiting.  If you cannot provide extra light, do not sow seeds in the Autumn/Early Winter.  Extra light means growlights.  If this is not possible then do not sow until the days are getting longer, so after the winter solstice.

Growing On

We dont always include growing on instructions, but there are several rules of thumb with this.  When you feel you can handle a plant, then you can pot it on from the seed container into a small pot to start with.  Once the roots fill that pot, again move it on, one or two sizes up.
There is a wealth of information out there on growing plants and seedlings to maturity, far more than this blog could ever contain. 


  1. Any tips on terminating scrutiny maritinum

  2. Hi I received some seeds from yourselves today and was hoping to find growing instructions. I am having trouble finding them and was not sure if this is because there are none or I am missing something. The seeds are Ceiba Pentandra. Do you have a guide for these? Many thanks.

  3. Hola, hace unos años os compré unas semillas de Adonidia merrilli que germine. Y que con el paso de todo este tiempo se han convertido en algo muy distinto a lo que pedí. Realmente me enviaste semillas de syagrus. Una especie que no me interesa, por lo que me siento engañado. He perdido todo el tiempo en dar cuidados a unas palmeras que no me interesan pensando que eran Adonidia. Ahora mi pregunta es. ¿Cómo me lo vais a compensar?
